////// yilezhu /// 2018.10.22 /// 实现从SQLSERVER数据库中提取配置信息 /// public class SqlServerFileConfigurationRepository : IFileConfigurationRepository { private readonly IOcelotCache_cache; private readonly IOcelotLogger _logger; private readonly ConfigAuthLimitCacheOptions _option; public SqlServerFileConfigurationRepository(ConfigAuthLimitCacheOptions option, IOcelotCache cache, IOcelotLoggerFactory loggerFactory) { _option = option; _cache = cache; _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger (); } public Task Set(FileConfiguration fileConfiguration) { _cache.AddAndDelete(_option.CachePrefix + "FileConfiguration", fileConfiguration, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1800), ""); return Task.FromResult((Response)new OkResponse()); } /// /// 提取配置信息 /// ///public async Task > Get() { var config = _cache.Get(_option.CachePrefix + "FileConfiguration", ""); if (config != null) { return new OkResponse (config); } #region 提取配置信息 var file = new FileConfiguration(); string glbsql = "select top 1 * from OcelotGlobalConfiguration where IsDefault=1"; //提取全局配置信息 using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_option.DbConnectionStrings)) { var result = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync (glbsql); if (result != null) { var glb = new FileGlobalConfiguration(); glb.BaseUrl = result.BaseUrl; glb.DownstreamScheme = result.DownstreamScheme; glb.RequestIdKey = result.RequestIdKey; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.HttpHandlerOptions)) { glb.HttpHandlerOptions = result.HttpHandlerOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.LoadBalancerOptions)) { glb.LoadBalancerOptions = result.LoadBalancerOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.QoSOptions)) { glb.QoSOptions = result.QoSOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ServiceDiscoveryProvider)) { glb.ServiceDiscoveryProvider = result.ServiceDiscoveryProvider.ToObject (); } file.GlobalConfiguration = glb; //提取路由信息 string routesql = "select * from OcelotReRoutes where OcelotGlobalConfigurationId=@OcelotGlobalConfigurationId and IsStatus=1"; var routeresult = (await connection.QueryAsync (routesql, new { OcelotGlobalConfigurationId=result.Id })).AsList(); if (routeresult != null && routeresult.Count > 0) { var reroutelist = new List (); foreach (var model in routeresult) { var m = new FileReRoute(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AuthenticationOptions)) { m.AuthenticationOptions = model.AuthenticationOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CacheOptions)) { m.FileCacheOptions = model.CacheOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DelegatingHandlers)) { m.DelegatingHandlers = model.DelegatingHandlers.ToObject
>(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LoadBalancerOptions)) { m.LoadBalancerOptions = model.LoadBalancerOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.QoSOptions)) { m.QoSOptions = model.QoSOptions.ToObject (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DownstreamHostAndPorts)) { m.DownstreamHostAndPorts = model.DownstreamHostAndPorts.ToObject
>(); } //开始赋值 m.DownstreamPathTemplate = model.DownstreamPathTemplate; m.DownstreamScheme = model.DownstreamScheme; m.Key = model.Key; m.Priority = model.Priority ?? 0; m.RequestIdKey = model.RequestIdKey; m.ServiceName = model.ServiceName; m.Timeout = model.Timeout ?? 0; m.UpstreamHost = model.UpstreamHost; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UpstreamHttpMethod)) { m.UpstreamHttpMethod = model.UpstreamHttpMethod.ToObject
>(); } m.UpstreamPathTemplate = model.UpstreamPathTemplate; reroutelist.Add(m); } file.ReRoutes = reroutelist; } } else { throw new Exception("未监测到配置信息"); } } #endregion if (file.ReRoutes == null || file.ReRoutes.Count == 0) { return new OkResponse (null); } return new OkResponse (file); } }
////// yilezhu /// 2018.10.22 /// 基于Ocelot扩展的依赖注入 /// public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions { ////// 添加默认的注入方式,所有需要传入的参数都是用默认值 /// /// ///public static IOcelotBuilder AddAuthLimitCache(this IOcelotBuilder builder, Action option) { builder.Services.Configure(option); builder.Services.AddSingleton( resolver => resolver.GetRequiredService >().Value); #region 注入其他配置信息 //重写提取Ocelot配置信息, builder.Services.AddSingleton(DataBaseConfigurationProvider.Get); //builder.Services.AddHostedService (); builder.Services.AddSingleton (); //注入自定义限流配置 //注入认证信息 #endregion return builder; } }
////// yilezhu /// 2018.10.22 /// 扩展IApplicationBuilder,新增use方法 /// public static class OcelotMiddlewareExtensions { ////// 扩展UseOcelot /// /// ///public static async Task UseAhphOcelot(this IApplicationBuilder builder) { await builder.UseAhphOcelot(new OcelotPipelineConfiguration()); return builder; } /// /// 重写Ocelot,带参数 /// /// /// ///public static async Task UseAhphOcelot(this IApplicationBuilder builder, OcelotPipelineConfiguration pipelineConfiguration) { var configuration = await CreateConfiguration(builder); ConfigureDiagnosticListener(builder); return CreateOcelotPipeline(builder, pipelineConfiguration); } private static async Task CreateConfiguration(IApplicationBuilder builder) { // make configuration from file system? // earlier user needed to add ocelot files in startup configuration stuff, asp.net will map it to this //var fileConfig = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService >(); var fileConfig = await builder.ApplicationServices.GetService ().Get(); // now create the config var internalConfigCreator = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); var internalConfig = await internalConfigCreator.Create(fileConfig.Data); //Configuration error, throw error message if (internalConfig.IsError) { ThrowToStopOcelotStarting(internalConfig); } // now save it in memory var internalConfigRepo = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); internalConfigRepo.AddOrReplace(internalConfig.Data); //fileConfig.OnChange(async (config) => //{ // var newInternalConfig = await internalConfigCreator.Create(config); // internalConfigRepo.AddOrReplace(newInternalConfig.Data); //}); var adminPath = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); var configurations = builder.ApplicationServices.GetServices (); // Todo - this has just been added for consul so far...will there be an ordering problem in the future? Should refactor all config into this pattern? foreach (var configuration in configurations) { await configuration(builder); } if (AdministrationApiInUse(adminPath)) { //We have to make sure the file config is set for the ocelot.env.json and ocelot.json so that if we pull it from the //admin api it works...boy this is getting a spit spags boll. var fileConfigSetter = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); // await SetFileConfig(fileConfigSetter, fileConfig.Data); } return GetOcelotConfigAndReturn(internalConfigRepo); } private static bool AdministrationApiInUse(IAdministrationPath adminPath) { return adminPath != null; } //private static async Task SetFileConfig(IFileConfigurationSetter fileConfigSetter, IOptionsMonitor fileConfig) //{ // var response = await fileConfigSetter.Set(fileConfig.CurrentValue); // if (IsError(response)) // { // ThrowToStopOcelotStarting(response); // } //} private static bool IsError(Response response) { return response == null || response.IsError; } private static IInternalConfiguration GetOcelotConfigAndReturn(IInternalConfigurationRepository provider) { var ocelotConfiguration = provider.Get(); if (ocelotConfiguration?.Data == null || ocelotConfiguration.IsError) { ThrowToStopOcelotStarting(ocelotConfiguration); } return ocelotConfiguration.Data; } private static void ThrowToStopOcelotStarting(Response config) { throw new Exception($"Unable to start Ocelot, errors are: {string.Join(",", config.Errors.Select(x => x.ToString()))}"); } private static IApplicationBuilder CreateOcelotPipeline(IApplicationBuilder builder, OcelotPipelineConfiguration pipelineConfiguration) { var pipelineBuilder = new OcelotPipelineBuilder(builder.ApplicationServices); //重写自定义管道 pipelineBuilder.BuildAhphOcelotPipeline(pipelineConfiguration); var firstDelegate = pipelineBuilder.Build(); /* inject first delegate into first piece of asp.net middleware..maybe not like this then because we are updating the http context in ocelot it comes out correct for rest of asp.net.. */ builder.Properties["analysis.NextMiddlewareName"] = "TransitionToOcelotMiddleware"; builder.Use(async (context, task) => { var downstreamContext = new DownstreamContext(context); await firstDelegate.Invoke(downstreamContext); }); return builder; } private static void ConfigureDiagnosticListener(IApplicationBuilder builder) { var env = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); var listener = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); var diagnosticListener = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService (); diagnosticListener.SubscribeWithAdapter(listener); } }
services.AddOcelot()//注入Ocelot服务 .AddAuthLimitCache(option=> { option.DbConnectionStrings = "Server=.;Database=Ocelot;User ID=sa;Password=1;"; });
如果你想了解更多Ocelot的定制相关的·内容可以看我一个朋友写的系列博客,博客地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jackcao/p/9928879.html 【.NET Core微服务实战-统一身份认证】网关篇,这里给你详细介绍了如何进行自定义限流以及客户端授权并重写Ocelot缓存成Redis!有兴趣的可以看下!